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The American Diploma Program


The American Diploma program is one of the educational international systems that qualify students to enroll in local and international universities in the world. This program is known for its flexibility and variety as well as being accredited by most of the international and local accreditation commissions.
This program accommodates the local educational requirements as well as the international. It is supervised by an internationally recognized committee to ensure that standards set are being met. Our school got the accreditation for 5 years from AiAA


Our Curriculum

MyView Literacy English Language Arts for Grades K-5

Stories shape who we are. As a teacher, your story includes twists and turns, sacrifice, joy, and that amazing feeling when student light bulbs illuminate. MyView Literacy was built to help you reach those light bulb moments. It allows you to teach integrated literacy grounded in the science of learning, and inspires creativity to teach from your heart and be yourself. At the same time, it empowers your students to learn from the world around them as their stories begin to unfold. You’re still writing your story — make it a bestseller with myView Literacy.


Pearson enVisionmath 2020 Common Core Math Program for Grades K-6
enVisionmath2.0 is a comprehensive K-6 mathematics curriculum that is organized to promote Focus on Common Core Clusters, develop Coherence across grade levels, and lay the foundation for Rigor with conceptual understanding.


SAVVAS Elevate Science Program for Grades K-6
It’s more than a science textbook!
ElevateScience™ is a K-8 phenomena-based science curriculum immersing students in the inquiry process. This is science elevated for problem solving, critical thinking, and the NGSS performance expectations.

The above mentioned Programs are on SAVVAS Realize and can be accessed at:
Savvas programs are Core Subjects and the National Identity ones as well. ien is the National Portal to browse the national curriculum for Arabic, Islamic and social studies. Specialty Subjects do help the students make their ways to the core subjects. Art Education, ICT (information and communication technology), P.E. (physical Education), Library and French Language as an extra curriculum.
Standardized Tests
MAP is a computer adaptive test, which means every student gets a unique set of test questions based on responses to previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions get harder. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions get easier. By the end of the test, most students will answer about half the questions correctly. MAP can follow students wherever they are starting from, regardless of the grade they are in. For instance, if a third grader is actually reading like a fifth grader, MAP will be able to identify that. Or, if a fifth grader is doing math like a third grader, MAP will identify that. Both things are incredibly important for a teacher to know, so that they can plan instruction efficiently. MAP covers reading, language usage, and math. Some schools also use the MAP Science test to measure student achievement and growth in science.

مدارس عبدالرحمن فقيه للبنات

المملكة العربية السعودية مكة المكرمة -الملك فهد، مكة 24346-مخطط الزايدي – مقابل الغرفة التجارية

Interactive Science Afsg
Accreditation Afsg

©2019 by Abdulrahman Fakieh School for Girls | مدارس عبدالرحمن فقيه للبنات

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